The Recorder - North County Notebook: July 5, 2022

2022-07-10 10:37:05 By : Ms. Mandy Ye

BERNARDSTON — The Powers Institute Museum at 20 Church St. will be open Sunday, July 10, from 1 to 4 p.m.

According to a notice from Bernardston Historical Society President Louella Atherton, a recent acquisition is an iron belt wheel that was part of the water-powered operation of the grist mill on River Street. Raymond Dunnell and his father, John, owned this grain business, which included the sale of coal and cement, for many years.

BERNARDSTON — John Lepore, one of three caretakers of the Charity Farm Lot on Bald Mountain Road, will work with arborists to determine a plan to deal with dead trees at the 84.64-acre property, following a recent inspection.

“That has to be addressed because it is a danger,” Lepore told the Selectboard last week. “Although there is technically no liability to the town if it falls down, it could hurt somebody.”

Should the trees need to be removed, he said, the scope of work may be small enough to conduct in-house without the need of an external company.

BERNARDSTON — The Board of Health’s Jean Page has resigned from her position effective immediately, citing communication issues between board members.

“I have found that communication differences amongst the board are greatly inhibiting the optimal functioning of it,” she reasoned in her resignation letter.

The Selectboard approved the resignation with regret during last week’s meeting.

“Hate to see her go,” Selectboard member Stanley Garland said. “I thought she was a good member of that board. She always spoke very well and seemed to have herself together and facts together when she presented stuff. As far as I’m concerned, she’s going to be a big miss.”

BERNARDSTON — The Selectboard approved the Police Department’s hiring of Thomas Chabot, a former Hadley police sergeant and shift commander, during its meeting last week.

Police Chief James Palmeri said Chabot, who will be the department’s fourth officer, has a “mountain of certifications.” Selectboard members subsequently praised his resumé, even joking about how unlikely it was for such a small town to secure such an accredited officer.

“I’ve been looking for a department closer to home,” Chabot reasoned. “A smaller town where you can really care for the residents in a way that I wasn’t able to do in Hadley. This opportunity came up and it was a dream come true.”

Due to an inter-municipal agreement with Leyden, Bernardston is now providing policing services to the neighboring town as well.

NORTHFIELD — The Selectboard authorized Chair Barbara “Bee” Jacque to sign a state Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC) grant application that would allow the town to purchase the privately owned Kiwanis Park for recreational use if awarded.

The 6.25-acre park, Town Administrator Andrea Llamas said, has become too cumbersome for the Northfield Kiwanis Club to maintain.

“They saw this as the best opportunity to preserve the legacy of the property for its intended use,” Llamas said of the club’s incentive to sell the property.

The Selectboard will discuss the price of the property in executive session during its next meeting. Grant funding, if awarded following submission of the application by the July 14 deadline, would cover up to 60% of the cost, while the remaining 40% would be the town’s responsibility and require approval at Town Meeting. The park, which is nestled in a state forest area, would receive the full state protection of designated parkland and be tax-exempt if acquired by Northfield.

NORTHFIELD — The Northfield Senior Center will provide to-go lunches on Friday, July 22, at 11:30 a.m. Meals can be picked up at the back door to the kitchen.

The meal will include turkey rice soup, salad, a roll and blueberry pie bars for dessert, according to a Senior Center newsletter. There is a $5 suggested donation.

Reservations are required by calling 413-498-2901, ext. 114 or emailing by Monday, July 18.

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