On May 17, 2021 at 9:27 PM, the Lower Allen Township Police Department was dispatched to 3435 Simpson Ferry Road, the Restaurant Store, in reference to a burglar alarm. Upon arrival, officers discovered a window to the front door had been shattered. While searching the building for any perpetrators, patrol officers observed a box of Chef Masters brand whipped cream chargers, CO2 canisters, laying on the floor with the contents spilled throughout the aisle. Officers observed shoes prints in the dirt between the building and large pine trees. These shoe prints were photographed.
An employee confirmed that approximately 20-30 boxes of cream chargers were stolen. The items were valued at $300.
On August 26, 2021 at 9:54 PM, the Lower Allen Township Police Department was dispatched to 3435 Simpson Ferry Road, the Restaurant Store, in reference to a burglar alarm. Upon arrival, officers discovered a window to the front door had been shattered and a window to an overhead garage door had been smashed out. The only items missing were approximately 15-20 boxes of Whipped Cream Chargers which were positioned underneath each cash register. Officers also observed glass laying on the ground in front of the overhead garage door. Blood spatter was observed on the outside of the overhead door beneath the broken window. This blood appeared fresh. It was photographed and collected as evidence by swabbing the stains.
Witnesses from a nearby business observed a white male dressed all in black enter and then exit the business carrying a large duffel bag and was last observed by the witnesses to be running from the scene. Surveillance footage from a nearby business was obtained and reviewed. A silver sedan was recorded traveling away from the Restaurant Store towards Gettysburg Road. The vehicle stopped at the stop sign before making a left turn onto Gettysburg Road and then traveled east towards the Rt 15 overpass. This vehicle appears consistent with the vehicle depicted in a similar burglary that occurred later in the night in another jurisdiction.
DNA from the blood swabs that were collected was analyzed and led to Daniel A Rosenberger Jr as a possible suspect.
On June 3, 2022, a search warrant was executed on Rosenberger Jr last known address. During the course of the search warrant, a small pry bar was recovered. It was also confirmed that the person Rosenberger was staying with at the time of the burglaries owned a silver Honda Accord sedan similar to the one depicted in the surveillance footage recorded leaving the scene.
On June 10, 2022, a search warrant was executed on Rosenberger Jr to seize a DNA sample. During the course of the execution of the search warrant, Rosenberger Jr admitted to having committed both of the burglaries to the Restaurant Store.
Charges were filed and Rosenberger has turned himself in.
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