Chances are your own overseas ordeals can’t match the awkwardness these tourists had to deal with while abroad.
Lost luggage sucks. Waiting hours for it to appear on the carousel? Double sucks. Add multi hour layovers as a bonus surprise and you’ve got a cute insight into mid 2022 air travel. But no matter what happens, be glad you didn’t have to deal with any of these horrors.
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The details are scant on this one but we know that it happened in business class and that some poor US-based flight attendant had to deal with it. What you’re looking at here are chicken fillets. The edible variety and frankly the only ones you’d expect to encounter on your tray table. However, the picture at the top of this article clearly feature the ‘pop these in your b-cups to give your boobs a boost’ poultry piece genre. Needless to say, the passenger concerned was not impressed as it was a clear indication that the tray table had obviously not been cleaned. Apparently, hot towels helped budge the offending items.
/11 Someone’s taking the piss
This one’s a bit cruel as the Thai hotel in question clearly had the wellbeing of guests in mind with the posting of CPR instructions. But we also tip our Akubra to the mischief and effort involved on the part of whoever created this artwork.
Can you imagine finding this little note from the previous guest?
So that’s why there’s a phone in toilet
Hotel shower screens can be notoriously tricky creatures and we’ve all had those momentary panics as we try to figure out how the hell to get out when a door sticks or fails to slide. This poor bloke spent three hours trapped inside and was eventually rescued by Julio (pictured). Who we assumed handed him the towel.
We suggest grabbing some loo paper before you sit down
Because no one has arms that long. Note the chap’s knees in the bottom of this shot to prove it’s taken on the toot.
/11 Well that can’t be right
Let’s just pray that there’s never a fire.
Hotel owner: We need some appropriate toilet art.
It’s a monochrome masterpiece
Let’s hope the hotel was easier to find than the rooms.
In the wet season, we’re famous for our mud baths
At least they kept the hand rails, because safety first. The palm tree also adds a tropical vibe.
Come for the hospitality, stay for the toe injuries with our signature awfully placed door stoppers.
Don’t cut and paste braille
It doesn’t work if you can’t feel it.
This story originally appeared in Escape and has been reproduced with permission
A horrified flight attendant made a shocking discovery in their in-flight meal on-board a budget airline amid complaints by staff of mouldy food.
A mum from regional Queensland is desperately trying to track down a bag containing valuable items, after it was misplaced by Virgin Australia.
Thousands of Australians are being warned to prepare for more airport chaos amid possible strike action from staff.