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Amazon employee Cameron Smiley claims to have had an abnormally busy day on the job in a viral TikTok video.
Staffing shortages are still a major issue for some U.S. companies, and the burden of extra work is falling on employees.
(Jud Burkett | Special to The Tribune) Cabins on Kolob Mountain stand nestled between the pines and juniper trees Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2022. Surrounded by Zion National Park and rugged wilderness, cabins and ranches in the Kolob area are under constant threat from wildfires.
Washington Cou
Except for right along the Chesapeake Bay, the heaviest rain is moving away from the D.C. area. As noted below, we saw numerous reports of flooding from Alexandria through the eastern parts of the District and into large parts of Prince George’s County (see 6:10 p.m. update for an imcomplete
Technavio has published a new report on the global door closer market from 2017-2021. (Photo: Business Wire)
Technavio has published a new report on the global door closer market from 2017-2021. (Photo: Business Wire)
LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE )--Technavio analysts forecast th
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Johnson & Johnson will stop selling talc-based baby powder globally in 2023, the drug maker says, more than two years after it ende
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Accidents: Aug. 3: A vehicle reportedly hit a tractor with a hay loader, with no injuries;
Aug. 7: A two-vehicle accident was reported with unknown injuries.
Animal Related: Aug. 1: A caller reported an injured fox, needing to be dispatched; A County 16 caller reported a neighbor�
STAMFORD, CT — A Stamford police lieutenant was injured and taken to the hospital early Wednesday morning after he tried to stop a car that was rolling in reverse on Bedford Street, the Stamford Police Department said Thursday.
The unnamed lieutenant was treated for injuries and releas